This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 29 December 2010

Joshua Tree Park

Left Quartzsite on Sunday and spent two nights in Joshua Tree Park. The sign said no vehicles over 25ft but we squeeeeeezed in. Lovely park. Down to 0*C at night. One night two German boys brought over a bottle of wine and we chatted for 2 hours. (I really think they appreciated the warmth since they were in a tent). We are now camped in a school yard in Pasadena waiting for the Rose Bowl Parade on Saturday. Here are a few pictures from Joshua Tree Park.

 Do you know what kind of rock this is? ................................. Bedrock

Must run, breakfast is ready. Talk later


  1. The park looks amazing, it must have been so cool to be there. Very funny about your neighbours, a great way to meet new people though!!
    Ha Ha, bedrock.

  2. WOw, what wonderful pictures. The park looks so interesting. Glad you are meeting lots of interesting folks.
