This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 26 March 2011

One Up - Two Down

As promised yesterday, we did make it up on the roof. Before we started on the panels, I decided to have Paul remove the air-conditioner and TV antenna. These two items we never use and without them the chances of shadows interfering with our solar collection would be reduced.

Paul starts to remove the air-conditioner. It was the original and we found a huge bird's nest tucked inside.

While Paul worked on the roof, I added a pigtail clamp to the trailer frame.

Careful........... we don't want to drop it or damage the trailer.

OK, nothing goes as smoothly as planned when you are working on an old trailer. Our inverter kept shutting down, which meant there was a short somewhere in our electrical system. Three hours later we found the problem, rewired the plug and we're ready to fix the holes in the roof.

We've decided to call our trailer "Shotgun Girl" and here she is with a clean roof. (Remember kids when you called "shotgun" to ride in the passenger seat? We heard a country song called "Shotgun Girls - Just along for the Ride" and we thought ...............  that's our trailer; Shotgun Girl.

Time to patch the holes and start working on installing the solar panels.

Paul holds our first panel to see if the location is acceptable.

Paul, happy that finally the problems have been solved and we are actually putting up the solar panels.

One up, two still down in the workshop. We are happy to finally reach this stage of construction.

Today we will finish the project, stay overnight to make sure everything is working fine, then leave to camp nearby just to be sure we know what we are doing with everything.

Safe travels and see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great, hope all is working smoothly. Safe travels.
