This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Another Busy Week

Today construction starts and we are delighted. It has been a busy week up here in the north country.

Even the chickens have been working extra hard. Look at the size of the egg Paul brought over to show us, WOW!

Steve arrived on Monday to pull stumps and clear our building site.

Yes, sometimes a little manual labour is needed. These short logs we will use as firewood this winter.

Even on a busy day we need time to relax and it was wonderful to have Sharon and Doug up for a few days.

Nothing so refreshing as a swim in the lake after working in the bush all day.

Doug is the water baby in the family. He was in before breakfast.

Today we stake out the house and Monday we start to lay the footings. If the weather co-operates, we should be closed in by November. Check back next week for more progress reports.

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