This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday 23 July 2012

Laser Level

There are so many new gadgets on the market today which make home construction and repair so much easier.

Can you see the red line coming from the yellow and black box?This is a laser level and it sends out a red laser beam that we use for marking the exact location of interior walls. The red beam goes across the floor, up the wall and across the ceiling. Just mark the location and snap a line. You are good to go and your walls are accurately placed.

Our neighbour Jim brought his laser level over and set all the wall locations for me. Thanks Jim, that was a job I really wasn't looking forward to tackling.

Now that all the lines have been snapped and we know where our walls need to be placed we hope to get them up this week. Another big step forward.

While we have been busy building, Ted and Sharon our neighbours have been busy installing tile in their log cabin. Ted and Paul did a professional job of installing it. Wow. it looks great.

Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you up here shortly. Remember to bring your tools.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you've made my day complete. I always look for your latest blog when starting my day. When you don't post I feel a little disappointed LOL. The lasar levels are great. Your house will certainly look different once those walls are in place.
    Jeff just had an exciting weekend as he joined my brother for a bus trip to Boston to see the Jays play. Jeff has always wanted to see Fenway Park and now that dream has been fulfilled. The park was awesome but the lobster dinner was as well.
    Now life gets back to normal for him.
    Keep those blogs coming .... they're my daily read.
