This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 1 August 2012


I'm sure we all like surprises ................ the good kind. Yesterday I got an e-mail from Leanne (our youngest daughter), a very brief e-mail. "Tried calling you but no answer. Call me. Not an emergency." So, a thousand thoughts went through my head, yes I can muster more than one thought, and dismissed them all. Since Mary had our phone and she was driving back from Ottawa I sent Leanne a reply. "Mom is in Ottawa. Do you need something?"

Short story:  Leanne decided to make a quick two day surprise visit, with a friend we had never met but is a world traveller so a kindred spirit on that level alone.

Next job was to make some make-shift sleep accommodations for them since our bunkie hasn't arrived yet. Two sheets of plywood, on short legs would do for a bed and big soft fluffy blankets will have to do for a mattress until the bunkie arrives and we get our beds from IKEA.

Earlier in the day, Herb was here working on the eavestrough.

The machine that forms the eavestrough is inside the truck and can produce a seamless eavestrough as long as needed. This one is 46 feet long.

Carefully, very carefully, the crew lifted the eavestrough into place.

Once in place it was secured every 12 inches. Snow and ice shouldn't be a problem for this eavestrough.

Now we just need to get the rest of the steel siding installed.

Thanks for stopping by and we are looking forward to seeing some of you before the end of summer.

1 comment:

  1. The house is looking great. Building materials and the way we do things are different in the states. Example, we call eavestroughs "gutters". Do you have the screen thingys that go over the gutters to keep the leaves out. Works great. Connie
