This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 12 January 2013


When the sun is shining, it's great to be outside. Even if the temperature is below 0*c, the sun on your face feels so good.

Since moving north we've taken up snow-shoeing. This is a safe and easy sport for seniors and is a great workout for your legs and heart. An hour of snow-shoeing is the  perfect cardio-vascular workout.  

Here we are at the start, full of energy and high expectations.

Have you ever avoided what's good for you? I do it all the time.
But with Mary's encouragement out we go to enjoy the sunshine and the solitude of the forest in winter. Yes, I returned exhausted, sweaty, and short of breath but my doctor tells me these are all good signs at my age so I continue to abuse myself whenever the sun shines.

Tramping through the trees and my legs are already talking to me.

OK, time to stop and catch my breath. Mary is good about leading the way and stopping when I ask.

Finally, the trail home, a welcome sight after an hour hiking through the bush.

Thank goodness we are having a few cloudy days. I can sit by the fire, relax and let my cardio get back to a normal.  

Thanks for stopping by and safe travels all you snowbirds. See you in a few months.


  1. Hello.. I see a dog.. did you get one?

  2. Hi Annie;

    No dog. That's the neighbour's dog who likes to go on hikes. Foggy here this morning. We will lose more snow today.

  3. Great to see your starting to get a bit of exercise, keep it up and the huffing and puffing will disappear quickly.
