This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 8 November 2013


The ability to stay connected as we travel is incredible. My grandmother would not believe how easy it is to not only chat over the internet but actually see who you are chatting with.

Two friends we stay connected with are now travelling on their own adventures. 

Tina, who we have known for over twenty years, retired and decided she wanted to see more than just her own backyard. She is now cycling through the USA on her journey of exploring back roads and sandy beaches while sharing her testimony with those she meets.

Kate, I met yesterday through the miracle of the internet. Life for Kate has not always been easy. She  tragically lost her husband through a fishing accident and was left to raise five children on her own. Her strength to carry on when life seemed so unbearable came from her faith and that was the foundation she stood upon. Her blog, started when she decided there were too many roads left to explore, is uplifting, insightful and encouraging as she honestly shares each new adventure and the people she meets along the way. Of course I prefer her reports on the Canadian maritime provinces which brought back so many good memories for me. Her report dated April 29, 2011 spoke to my heart.

If you have dreamed of leaving the known and the comfortable for the unknown and the adventure then click on their blogs listed on the right under "Blogs We Follow". They will inspire you to throw off the shackles and step out into a new adventure; to look at humanity with a different eye.

Today our adventure continues as we head to Atlantic Beach our last stop before heading home. I will post updates as we find free internet connections.

Safe travels and thanks for stopping by.

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