This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 24 May 2014


 This bog entry was to be posted Friday but I had computer problems and couldn't connect to the internet. Today my computer guy called, fixed my computer and now I'm back in business.

We are utilizing solar energy to provide some of our hot water. We installed two small electric water heaters back in March and I was curious as to how much of a difference they made to the water temperature.

Glenn came yesterday and installed two temperature gauges so we can easily see the difference.

This is the temperature water coming out of our pressure tank. It was registering just over 10*C. It was then sent to the electric hot water tank.

The water coming out of our 15 gallon electric water heater was 31*C a difference of 21*. This we are happy with. Instead of using propane to bring the temperature from 10* to 31* we can use the solar energy stored in our batteries.

When we do this during a sunny afternoon the energy used comes directly from our panels and doesn't even drain our batteries.

Now I'll keep on eye on our propane consumption over the next 8 weeks and see what difference we experience.

If you are considering solar power do your research and see if it is a wise investment for your situation.  Ever application is different and your choice needs to address your needs.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Birthday Annie.

Happy Birthday Connie.

It's a busy birthday month.

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