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Monday 9 February 2015


Visited Brampton last week and like most places in the GTA, Brampton is changing. I grew up in Brampton; lived there from 48 to 2010. Saw a lot of changes.

My first memories are of shopping at the A&P on Main street Saturday morning. It was a small store and the bread would be stacked on the sidewalk outside, left there the night before by the delivery guy. Across the street was the Dominion store and down the street was Loblaw's. Three grocery stores for a population of 3,000.

Main street was the place to shop, the place with all the stores and the Chinese restaurant. No malls, no McDonalds, no Tim Hortons, no TV. As kids you might think we were deprived but we didn't think so. We played outside until it got dark and the street lights came on. Did what we wanted; made our own fun. No parents to perform for or rules to follow. Freedom and trust, that's what we had.

There was one traffic light and a light on a pole at the four corners that could be turned on to notify the cop on the beat to come back to the police station and take the ambulance out for an emergency. Guess how slow that was? If you were bleeding you were in serious trouble.

Today, Brampton has a population of 600,000 and the four corners is seeing a resurgence of building. City hall has expanded across the street into a new building still under construction. Looks totally out of place and very sterile from the outside; just my first impression.

New condominiums dominate the skyline and the old Legion in Gage Park (went to Kindergarten there) has been restored to its magnificent past. Looks so much better. That's the back view from Elizabeth street. Maybe I'll take a better shot when the weather is warmer.

Friends are getting older, many with serious health issues. Kids walk around with red hair, nails stuck through their skin and pants down to their knees. Not sure why, as exposing one's bare skin in this climate has never been a fun experience for me.

Changes; can't stop them, I just need learn to live with them. Maybe that's my problem; my learning curve has never been very steep.

Enjoy your day and the changes wherever you are. Safe travels Bob.

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