This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 6 October 2017


Fall colours are starting to show reds and yellows around here.

Today we took a drive over to Ormsby to

have lunch in an old school.

Tea was served in china cups and the food on china plates. Everything was homemade and delicious.

This school was built in 1921 and in use until 1964. They even had some original students' desks off in one corner along with ....

old class photos.

The owners and guests were so friendly we are going back tomorrow for  Thanksgiving supper.

This is a great destination  anytime you need an excuse to enjoy a cup of tea.

Learn more about the school by clicking HERE


  1. I attended a school like this 70 years ago!! Where does the time go. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Art and Mary!

  2. Have always wanted to try this place!
